Touring the Aeolian Islands - Stromboli, a Mist Opportunity

Thursday, 12 October 2017 

Having just arrived on Stromboli on a very hot day.

One of the big, big, big things we wanted to see was one of Europe’s most active volcanoes up close and personal. The place to do that is the world renowned Stromboli volcano. Typically it is always having small scale eruptions so is still safe to see up close. 

However, things did not turn out as planned. We knew it would be a three hour walk to the top of the mountain. Michelle was prepared to do such a horrific walk for the sake of seeing a volcano.  Trevor says it wasn't that horrific.  Michelle says it was 'expletive' horrific.  

As we were nearing the top, the people above us were disappearing into the mist. At that point we still didn’t know what that meant. Michelle looked up and saw the steep climb still to come and only complained inside her own head. The usual screaming expletives were not appropriate amongst all these strangers.
But no. Volcanoes in the mist. A mist opportunity. The clouds rolled in and that was that. Our guide got us to wait another 40 minutes on the hope upon hope that the clouds might lift and we would be able to see something. But no. Just cold. Fog. And cranky Michelle. Hmmm.

Dawn the next day as we were catching the ferry at 7:00am.